Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why Are People Using Numbers In Their Status


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How To Conect Usb Hard Drive To Lcd Lg Tv


promise The bad things is that one has been educated to perform. A few days ago I published a modest little article in which, referring to the eruption of a volcano in Iceland, supposedly exposed in a simple and pedestrian some very basic concepts of geology. The truth is that had a moderate success, judging by comments from friends who read it, and I am obliged to fulfill the second part. Like all second hand, this is a quagmire, because it is explained in four lines and two photos of a rather complex theory: Plate Tectonics.
Recordarán Vds que habíamos hablado de la DERIVA CONTINENTAL y del ENSANCHAMIENTO DEL FONDO MARINO, planteados respectivamente por los señores WEGENER y HESS en los años veinte y sesenta del pasado siglo. Estas dos hipótesis parciales se combinaron en una teoría más amplia, que es la llamada TECTÓNICA DE PLACAS (TP en adelante).
Antes de adentrarnos en la TP, convendrá invocar algunos conceptos muy básicos sobre la estructura de la Tierra. Como seguramente saben, la Tierra está compuesta por un nucleo (a su vez dividido en nucleo interno y externo), un manto (también interno y externo ), y una corteza. The bark and the outer mantle, constitute a rigid layer, the lithosphere. Inmediatemante part below the lithosphere is a part of the mantle, viscous and pliable, called the asthenosphere. Etymologically, then, is a "layer of stone" that is on a "weak layer." If you have understood this, and have half of the TP in the head. Some images are not over:

In the first, it outlines the layered structure of the Earth. Note that the crust covers the first 100 miles (at most) of the 6,300 total radius of the Earth.

on the next image, another more detailed outline. The strange letters appearing mean of the following: RUST (Mohorovicic discontinuity that separates the crust from the mantle), SIAL (main composition of the continental crust, silicon and aluminum), SIMA (main composition of the crust underwater silicon and manganese)

What justifies the whole theory of the TP is the fact that, contrary to logic and use images to dictate, the lithosphere is far from a shell involving continuous hot and sticky content. The Earth is not an egg magma filled with a rock in the middle.
The lithosphere, in fact, consists of a set of plates of varied size, well defined limits, that give the parched nature lithosphere. If you also understand that these plates, far from being stationary move "floating" on the asthenosphere, like tiles on a cement fluid, we will understand the essence of the TP, and the rest are details, names and images.

Two schemes of the tectonic plates in the following images:

The discontinuity of the lithosphere, its division into discrete fractions called tectonic plates, it becomes important to the extent that these plates move horizontally across the asthenosphere. The ultimate cause of this movement are believed to convection flows produced by thermal gradients in the asthenosphere. Imagine that the fluid mass in the asthenosphere behaves like waves on the beach, and that the tectonic plates "surf" on those waves. Comparison is a bit pedestrian, but very graphic.

The consequence of these movements is that the plates interact with each other in various ways, colliding, rubbing, sinking one under the other. Such enormous masses, the contact can not only cause catastrophic phenomena and formations huge ... especially when we use the human scale.

to the second installment of this series. In the third talk of how plate tectonics relate to each other, and the events that result from such interaction.
hope you liked

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cookworks Signature Bread Maker Instruction