Friday, December 17, 2010

Sore Knees Normal Running?

wish you Happy Holidays!

Hanoverian blog Wednesday,
desitja Bon Nadal i us Felic Any Nou.
wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy Year

The top photo is taken in 1918 in Washington DC, the day before Christmas. Christmas appears in this scene horses receiving attention from a distinguished ladies around a Christmas tree decorated with carrots, apples, corn cobs, sugar cubes, etc..

The League for the Protection of Animals of the city, established four years before an open initiative that later was extended by several U.S. cities.
He organized a Christmas dinner for the horses. Those days in which these noble animals had worked hard, delivering packages and carrying gifts with Christmas trees and turkeys for those holiday dinners, received by the League, a small reward was free food (a bag oats) for all of them and a good cup of coffee hot drivers. In addition, each post had music to enliven the celebration.


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